Since October 2019, Lebanon has been going through an economic, financial, and political crisis that has led to a major social crisis. This situation has resulted in rising unemployment, decreasing wages, hyperinflation, and an explosion of poverty. The COVID-19 health crisis has exacerbated the country’s difficulties, as did the double explosion at the Port of Beirut on August 4, 2020, which had repercussions across the entire nation.
The Union of Municipalities of Chouf Soueijani, composed of 9 municipalities and home to a population of 51,350 inhabitants, is located in a region largely dependent on agriculture. However, agricultural production faces challenges related to the management and sustainability of crops, especially in light of weather conditions and production practices.
Significant migration from the Chouf Soueijani region to other areas is driven by work or educational opportunities, highlighting the local economic and educational gaps.
These internal migrations underline the need to further develop local economic and educational infrastructure to retain the population.